miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2023

Song I listening in this moment


In this moment of my life, my favorite song is ¨No idea¨ it´s performance by Big Time Rush, who are a boy band from United States. The first time i heard this song was in 2012 when i was 8 years old, in the tv because they have a famous program called Big Time Rush (yes, first they was a program and later they became a real band). I think i like this song because reminds me when i went to they concert 1 month ago (yes, i am a big fan, i wait 11 years to listen this song in concert), it was amazing, i went with my friend, her name is Constanza and we sang all songs but this was my favorite. I listen ´No Idea¨ 2 or 3 times a day, because it lasts 5 minutes. 

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2023

My name is Catalina

Hi, my name is Catalina Drouillas, I live in santiago, chile, and in this blog i tell you about my summer vacations of the year 2023. 

In january i was go to the beach with my school friends, i met them when i was 5 years old, we were in the beach only 3 days, but this was an incredibles days. 

How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

 Hi, today i going to tallk about how much difficult i think are the activities from "exam of english". I think the activities her...