miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023

Country i would like visit

Hi, today i will talk about what country i would like to visit.

I would like visit the islands of Hawaii, it is in USA, because i like the relaxing vibes are in this place, and i think their culture, gastronomy, and their typical dances are spectacular, i would like learn about this. Also i like the landscape that the island is made up of, their volcanoes, flowers, nature, beach, etc. 

I wanna visit this place with all members of my family like my mom and her boyfriend, my cousins with her children, my uncles, aunts and my grandparents, the vacations with they are very funny and memorable, because in total we are like 20 persons and the laughs are never fails.

I like stay in this place like 3 weeks, i think is enough time to visit all of the island and their attractions and have relaxing days in the beach with nothing to do, only stay under the sun and swim in the warm ocean. 

Among the attraction that i would like to visit are: tour to Maui and Oahu, visit the volcanoes, swim with turtles, etc.   

I have already gone to USA to the Disney parks in Orlando, that was incredible, but i don´t saw never of the american landscapes, and i would like see more about this country. 

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How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

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