viernes, 25 de agosto de 2023

Interesting trip

Hi, today im going to talk about an interesting trip that i have.

It was when i stay in 10th grade, for the school trip we went to Camboriu, Brasil. It was an amazing, funny and interesting trip, i went with my school friends that i known them since i was 6 years. We took a plane at 3 am roughly and we landed at 8 am (time to Brasil).

In this trip we walk so much, we went to the beach, we´re going on a boat, we dance everyday and we ate different food. One day we went to a cable railway (like cerro san cristobal), and the view of Brasil from the top of the hill was amazing, we saw so much trees and the beach in the distance. And later, we occupy a canopy to go down the hill, at first i was a little scared , because it was a high drop, but when i saw the view and i felt the wind on my face, it felt incredible, this is the top moments of my life. 

We spent here one week, but i felt it short, i would have liked to have been more. This trip was in december 2019, and 3 moths later the covid arrived in the world. 

viernes, 18 de agosto de 2023

new semester

 Hi, my name is Catalina i´m student of Architecture since 2022. 

I was born in Santiago, and i live here all of my life, specifically in Conchali. I studied in the same school in Santiago Centro for 14 years, in this place i met my best friends, we talk every day.

My family it´s conformed for my mom, my grandmother, my grandfather, my 3 aunts, my 2 uncles, my 8 cousins and her childrens. Is a big family, we meet every birthdays or other celebrations, like new year, christmas, september 18, etc. And we go to vacations together every year. 

My hobbies are to sew, watch series and dance (sometimes). I want to end the year the best form possible, because this year it has been one of the best, im so happy for this.

How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

 Hi, today i going to tallk about how much difficult i think are the activities from "exam of english". I think the activities her...