viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2023

Something I enjoy doing outdoor

 Hi, today i going to talk about something i enojoy doing outdoor. 

Something I really like to do outside but haven't done in years is camping. I used to camp with my scout group since I was 8 years old but during the pandemic everything ended, my friends did not return to scout so I decided to leave this group.

We used to go camping 4 times a year, once a season, we went to many places like rancagua, pirque, villa alemana, etc.  In summer we used to camp for 2 week, in autumn for 3 days, in winter for 1 week and in spring for 3 or 5 days

i think i really like this activity because is some different that i do in santiago every day, wake up in the morning with the sound of the birds, in a carp, and then breakfast in the nature, be relax, no have signal in the phone, for me is an amazing feel

the last time that i did this activity was in 2019, when with my gruop of scout we went to Chimbarongo, it was a funny camp, we climbed the hill, we played different sports, every day was different.

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How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

 Hi, today i going to tallk about how much difficult i think are the activities from "exam of english". I think the activities her...