viernes, 20 de octubre de 2023

Person of my family

 Hi, today i going to talk about my mom.

Her name is Paola, and i think she is the most important person in my life, she helped me when my father abandoned us when i was 2 years old (yes, i havent seen him since i was 2 years old, he is nothing to me now), but i never need nothing of him because my mom made sure we never lacked anything and i always be gratefull with she for this. My mom was always my ispiration for how i want to be and the person i want to become. 

She work like public administrator in the airport since she was 19 years old (at my age she was start to work), and in the nights she take cares of my grandparents, so i live in the same house but i see her for the dinner, because she arrives tired and i do homework to the university. 

My mom is cute, happy, she have so much patience, generous, fun, etc. 

When i was 4-13 years old i really selfish with she, because when she arrives with a boyfriend i dont like it beacuse i was afraid that i would get attached to him and that he would do to me the same thing that my father did to me, but when i grow up i understand if my mom is happy im happy, and dont worry about what could happen.

viernes, 6 de octubre de 2023

job that i would like to do.

Hi, today i going to talk about a job that i would like to do.

I like so much the fashion industry, because i think how to wear clothes is a form of art, the combined of colors, accesories and styles, for me is very interesting. 

So i would like to work such as fashion designer in fashion weeks or in a advertsing agency, but like a hobby. Is very woow (i dont know how to explain it) see how any popular person wear one outfit of a designer and this become viral, the power of social media is incredible. 

I think to do this job the persons can be creatives and risky because for me, the fashion can be differnt that yo ever seen before. 

I like dress diferrent every day, when i was in the school my friends laughed that i always wore the same sweatshirt and always dressed in blue, so in pandemic i decided to change my style, and i ended up liking it. So i think i understand a little bit about this. 

Mi inspiration is Vivianne westwood i liked his risky style and the colors, the punk style, etc. 

I think i could learn more seeing the work of other designer, watch videos to how make my own clothes and search the posibility to do sustentable fashion.

How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

 Hi, today i going to tallk about how much difficult i think are the activities from "exam of english". I think the activities her...