miércoles, 5 de abril de 2023

My hobby

 Hi, Today im going to speaking about my hobby, the sewing. 

I started when i´am 14 years old, when i helped my grandmother to making clothes. First im only sewing with thread and needle, but then when the time pass and i´am 16 years old my grandmother teaching me how sewing on a sewing machine. 

Now i´am 19 years and i know how to make clothes, pillowcase, bags, etc, but im only do this hobby on summer or vacations or in a special situacion, because i never have time during the semester. 

I enjoy my hobby because i think is amazing how a one cloth become a fabulous t-shit or a pants, or a skirt, etc, and also sometimes i buy clothes in a second hand store and i modify it to a new clothes, i feel very well when im use a clothes that im made is an incredible sensation, i created my own style.

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How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

 Hi, today i going to tallk about how much difficult i think are the activities from "exam of english". I think the activities her...