miércoles, 12 de abril de 2023


 Hello, today im going to tell you about my 2 favorite photographs.

The first is my dog when i was going to give him chiken to eat the last week, i like this because i think is a cute photo, i taught him how siting when he was 7-8 month, now this year he will be 10 years old, he is growing to fast :(,  im remember when i adopted him, my school friend´s dog was mom of 8 puppys, and i fall in love with my dog, he was the only blonde, the rest was white and black, they have a beagle and cooker genes. I love my dog, is the most beautiful dog in the world.


The second is taken when im was 6 years old, im broking my arm running with socks, (in this moment i think it was a good idea) i slips and my mom think it was nothing, but the next day i can´t move my arm and im going to the hospital, where the doctors tell me about i was broke my arm. I like this photo because today the situacion makes me laugh, but in the moment it was sad, you have to give time to time, always everything is 360°, and the life can change in one second. 

2 comentarios:

  1. Great photos. In the one of you as a child you look very mischievious.

  2. I love the first photo, It´s so cute, your dog it´s so beauty, and yes, the pets growing so so fast:(, but the time we had with they, are so funny and warm.
    And the second you look like a crazy and funny child, I love the mocking vibe but in the good way.


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