viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2023

Place in Chile that i would like to visit again

 Hi, today i going to talk about a place in Chile that i would like to visit again 

I visited Rapa Nui in 2012, when i have 8 years old, this place is an island east of mainland Chile, to get here it is almost a 5 hours flight by plane.

I arrived here because it was a work travel from my mom, so i went with my mom and her work colleages. My mom wanted me to go because that would be my first time in a travel by plane. 

I stay here for 8-9 days maybe, one day my mom worked and the next day we traveling to diferents parts of the island, and the next day work and this was the routine of this week. 

In this place i visited volcanos, beaches, and the most amazing thing to me was the moais, i really like saw one on live. 

I think this was an amazing experience because the climate, the fauna and flora and the culture is very different than mainlad Chile, is so beautiful and unique. 

One day when i was putting sunscreen i decided putting sunscreen to my doll to, so i putting in her face and the drawing of her face was erased, it was so sad, i trying to fix it but it was late, my doll never had face again jaja.  

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How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

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