viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2023

chilean landmark that i like

 Hi, today i going to talk about a chilean landmark that i like.

This place is the humboldt penguin national reserve, i visit this place when i was 10-11 years old i think in 2015 maybe. 

This national reserve its located in Coquimbo, about 6 hours by bus from Santiago and then you take a boat from Punta de Choros to Damas island, where you can also see sea lions. 

I visited this place with my mom, my grandfather, my 2 aunts and my 3 cousins. This was a familiar trip through the Coquimbo region. 

In this place i could see how the name indicates som Humboldt penguins, fish and sea lions. I dont like travel by boat because i get dizzy but i really like this trip it was very funny i always have a good time with my family. I dont know how much time we spent touring the island because it was 8 years ago but i remember that the entire visit lasted aroud 1 hour. 

I liked see animals in their animals without interfere a lot and feel the sea wind in my face. 

In general i really like this holidays in Coquimbo, its 1 of my favorite, so for this reason for me is a special place because the total of the parts that conformed this holidays they made it one of the best. 

One fact, i arrived to this place in school van because my aunt is driver at the school i went to. 

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