viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2023

Someone interesting that i follow in social media

 Hi today I going to talk about someone interesting that I follow in social media.

Today I going to talk about one YouTube channel called Alfrely, they are a couple from Mexico, and upload videos about the industry of the animation, i really like learn about how one animation movie or serie finished arived in the tvs, the process that they pass for aprove one proyect, i think is interesting..

I think I follow them since 2019 maybe, or 2020, I don’t know very well. I think I follow them since 2019 maybe, or 2020, I don’t know very well. i enjoy they content because explain in a very simple and funny form why they loved or disliked one movie or serie with arguments about the annimation, the story, they characters , the people behind the program, the problems that the animators have, 

I discovered them when i search one of my favorite series on youtube and they did a video about this serie, the first years, how the serie is popular, the problems that have, the quality of the animation and the story etc. 

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