miércoles, 26 de abril de 2023

 Hello, today in my blog im talk about my favorite social media, this is Pinterest-

Pinterest is a social media where you can view and post photos about anything you can believe and search, for example: outfits, hobbies, recipes, exercise rutine, places, etc. And you can keep this photos in your gallery or in the app. 

I use this app to view how to make clothes, and how to combine clothes to become cool outfits (yes, i like fashion), usually i see photos for celebritys and famous persons with outfits that they have similar style like i want to have to recreat this with my own clothes ( i want to be aesthetic ja ja ja, is a prank but i like to dress well). Also i use this app to view life styles of other people and motivate me to follow they examples, but is very hard ja ja ja the laziness won me. :(

I like this app because is very exact when searching for what you want to search, for example if i search "outfits with a red jacket" in the app, the results is only photos for people using red jacket. 

I use this app every night, to choose  the outfit for the next day, is part of the routine ja ja ja. 


miércoles, 12 de abril de 2023


 Hello, today im going to tell you about my 2 favorite photographs.

The first is my dog when i was going to give him chiken to eat the last week, i like this because i think is a cute photo, i taught him how siting when he was 7-8 month, now this year he will be 10 years old, he is growing to fast :(,  im remember when i adopted him, my school friend´s dog was mom of 8 puppys, and i fall in love with my dog, he was the only blonde, the rest was white and black, they have a beagle and cooker genes. I love my dog, is the most beautiful dog in the world.


The second is taken when im was 6 years old, im broking my arm running with socks, (in this moment i think it was a good idea) i slips and my mom think it was nothing, but the next day i can´t move my arm and im going to the hospital, where the doctors tell me about i was broke my arm. I like this photo because today the situacion makes me laugh, but in the moment it was sad, you have to give time to time, always everything is 360°, and the life can change in one second. 

miércoles, 5 de abril de 2023

My hobby

 Hi, Today im going to speaking about my hobby, the sewing. 

I started when i´am 14 years old, when i helped my grandmother to making clothes. First im only sewing with thread and needle, but then when the time pass and i´am 16 years old my grandmother teaching me how sewing on a sewing machine. 

Now i´am 19 years and i know how to make clothes, pillowcase, bags, etc, but im only do this hobby on summer or vacations or in a special situacion, because i never have time during the semester. 

I enjoy my hobby because i think is amazing how a one cloth become a fabulous t-shit or a pants, or a skirt, etc, and also sometimes i buy clothes in a second hand store and i modify it to a new clothes, i feel very well when im use a clothes that im made is an incredible sensation, i created my own style.

How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

 Hi, today i going to tallk about how much difficult i think are the activities from "exam of english". I think the activities her...