miércoles, 28 de junio de 2023

Program that I watched as a child

 Hello, today i will talk about a programe that i watched when i was a child 

My favorite program was a TV show called “Lazy town”, it’s about a girl who moved to a town called lazy town with her uncle. She animated her friends to go out for they houses because they are always playing video games, her uncle (who is the mayor) ask for help to Sportacus, who is a “superhero”  that urges children to eat fruits and vegetables, but this work is difficult because the villain try to keep the town in calm and lazy with his evil plans . 

This program have 4 seasons, and it was on the air for 10 years, since 2004 until 2014 (the first episode was launched the year that I was born). 

I watched enjoy this program because I like the songs, and it was a plot that indirectly urgen the children to do sports and eat healthy, it’s was a very good idea. 

I saw this program in the mornings when I was 5-6 before go to school, drinking milk in my bed trying to wake up jajaja

lunes, 19 de junio de 2023

BBC Learning website

 Hi today i will talk about the BBC Learning website 

In the section of courses i do medium courses>General english 1>session 2. I think this explain very well the diference of present simple, present continuos and present perfect

In the section of grammar i do medium grammar>Medium grammar with 6 Minute Grammar>Present tenses. I think this explain very well the diference of present simple, present continuos and present perfect and how to use them in a real conversation 

In the section of pronunciation i do medium pronunciation>Tim's pronunciation workshop>Tim's Pronunciation Workshop: Summary (episode 75). In my opinion study pronunciation from a video is not for me, i dont understand if the class is not face to face. 

In the section of vocabulary i do medium voabulary>Learn English through the drama>Father and son episode 1. i think the drama was very interesting (like a movies) is a good form to learn new words in english.

In the section of news i do  news review > Fast food: Bad for the brain?. And the news was interesting but very short, and the activity had 3 exercise about 3 words that repeat all the time in the video. 

In the section of more i do Test your level>session 1. is a very good tool to know how much yo learned in the past sections 

miércoles, 14 de junio de 2023

My group of best friends

 Helllo today i will talk about my bestfriends 

I don´t have one specific best friend, i have my group of friends who they are my best friends, i know most of them since kindergarden (yes, when i was 4-5 years) because they are my school friends, others arrived in the school like 5th grade maybe, but in 2018 we all started dating together, when the teacher choose random positions where each person in my grade (1°C) sits all of the year, in this positions i stay with my now bestfriends and we started to know each other, yes it was the destiny. They called: Coni, Jechu, 2 Tomás, Víctor, Paloma, Javi, Fer, Joaquín, Fran and Amaro. 

All of we like playing cards, do sports (in the school friends we played voleyball), we listen the same music, dance etc. We like play videogames together, go to the cinema to see the new movies, go to vacactions together, go to a parties or stay in home only talking and laughing, i can do everything with they. 

I saw them like 2 weeks ago in Victor's birthday, i haven´t seen them since February, when we went to a vacations in the beach for one week. I really miss them and its weird go from seeing them every day in class to seeing them once every 2-3 months.

In this photo we were on the study tour in Brazil (no all of my friends stay in the photo 😓) 

How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

 Hi, today i going to tallk about how much difficult i think are the activities from "exam of english". I think the activities her...