viernes, 8 de septiembre de 2023

Cultural Radar

 Hi, today im going to talk about an article of "On my Radar" by The Guardian, and my own cultural radar. 

Im going to talk about the article of Tom Felton (Draco Malfoy in Harry Potter movies). In this article Tom Felton Talk about:

1. Theatre, the musical "Dear Evan Hansen", a musical that tell about teen suicide. 

2. Album, specifically George Harrison: All Things Must Pass. In this Felton tell us that he is a fan of the Beatles.

3. Book, Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton: A Biography by Edward Rice. This is the book that he are readind at this moment (jan 15 2022)

4. Film, "Vivo", he is a fan of Lin-Manuel Miranda, and he like very much this film

5.Place, Westminster Abbey. he is a fan of the history, and he read a poem of Christmas carol service.

6. Sports, specifically Formula One. He like this for the emotion that he feels watching the car race.

For me the most interesting topic was the film because, i like the animation movies, the way they created a world and give life to a characters, i dont watch this film but i want to see it. 

My Cultural Radar

1. Series of animation, The Amazing World of gumball. 

This is my favorite serie, i like the simpleness of the characters, but the form that he mocks the everyday things of life in an ironic way, in adittion to dealing with topics such as depression, copy right, etc. Gumball is my animal spirit. 

2. Book,"War cross". This book tell us the story of a girl in a futuristic world where the tecnology domitated the world, she must enter in a videogame to save the world for the control of they emotions, like robots). This is my favorite book, and the autor´s coming to Chile in Octuber. 

3. Song. "The greates show man". Is the principal song of the movie with the same name. It talk about nothing is impossible in this life, we can do anithing. 

4. Fashion. I like the idea that the style and the clothes is a form of art, and you dont have to buy a new clothes to have a style, it is created with the form of the hair, the accesorys and the actitud. i dont know how to explain this:(. 

5. Place, the beach of El tabo. i think this is my place of peace, no much persons going to this place, have a vibes of calm, the only thing you hear are the waves of the sea. 

6. Food, Sushi, I really like sushi, but only vegetarians or with chicken, is a food that makes me want to eat all time, is a one of the wonders of the world. 

1 comentario:

  1. I like to watch movies like the Greats Showman when i am doing college stuff, the songs really get to you.


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