viernes, 22 de septiembre de 2023

5 activities i did during the last week

 Hi, today i going to talk about 5 activities i did during the last week 

1. Watching series 

The last week i started a 2 k-drama calls "See you in my 19th life" and  "Love Alarm" i think the second is the most beautyful serie i have ever seen. The first one i watch in 3-4 days, and the second in 1 week. I watched these series alone in my house, time to my self jaja, and now im obsessed with the songs of the series.

2. HandCraft 

In the week of vacations i did flower with "limpiapipas" (i dont know how it called in english). I saw this craft on Pinterest and i think it was very pretty, so i go out to buy the limpiapipas.  I did flowers to my bf (I dont know how long it takes me to made them, i think 1 or 2 nights) and now im doing to my mom (i have less time now, so i have delayed making them). I really liked making this craft because i like to give handmade things to the people i love. 

3.  Go out with friends

The last friday i went out with my 2 friend Constanza and Paloma, we went to a "party" in Parque Almagro, there were a lot of people especially university students. I laugh a lot with my friend, we sat on the grass all afternoon talking about the life and listening the music. 

4. Barbecue 

The last sunday i have a barbecue with all of my family in the house of my grandparents. It started at 12 pm to 12 am, it was very funny, we dance "cuecas", "caporal" and "el costillar" i laughed so much with these. More in the afternoon we play a board game called "Catan" with my cousins, but i lost, saaaad jaja. 

5.  Work for the university 

The last week i did 2 models to the universty. One of these was in group so i had to come to university the last thursday and we stay here since 1 pm to 7 pm, this are not vacations :(. And for other course a i did a model of the house of my grandparents wich i have to present today in class. 

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How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

 Hi, today i going to tallk about how much difficult i think are the activities from "exam of english". I think the activities her...