viernes, 24 de noviembre de 2023

How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

 Hi, today i going to tallk about how much difficult i think are the activities from "exam of english".

I think the activities here are so completed, and enterteining because the text and the liseting are not boring compare with other that for me is to lazy to doing because the topic is not dinamic. 

But this practice is an a good form to learn, it has an activities that are easy and other difficult. For me the most difficult are the activities of listening, the people speak very fast and is complicated, i´m going to have to practice jaja. And the most easy activity for me is about reading, the texts are simple. 


viernes, 17 de noviembre de 2023

Someone interesting that i follow in social media

 Hi today I going to talk about someone interesting that I follow in social media.

Today I going to talk about one YouTube channel called Alfrely, they are a couple from Mexico, and upload videos about the industry of the animation, i really like learn about how one animation movie or serie finished arived in the tvs, the process that they pass for aprove one proyect, i think is interesting..

I think I follow them since 2019 maybe, or 2020, I don’t know very well. I think I follow them since 2019 maybe, or 2020, I don’t know very well. i enjoy they content because explain in a very simple and funny form why they loved or disliked one movie or serie with arguments about the annimation, the story, they characters , the people behind the program, the problems that the animators have, 

I discovered them when i search one of my favorite series on youtube and they did a video about this serie, the first years, how the serie is popular, the problems that have, the quality of the animation and the story etc. 

Something I enjoy doing outdoor

 Hi, today i going to talk about something i enojoy doing outdoor. 

Something I really like to do outside but haven't done in years is camping. I used to camp with my scout group since I was 8 years old but during the pandemic everything ended, my friends did not return to scout so I decided to leave this group.

We used to go camping 4 times a year, once a season, we went to many places like rancagua, pirque, villa alemana, etc.  In summer we used to camp for 2 week, in autumn for 3 days, in winter for 1 week and in spring for 3 or 5 days

i think i really like this activity because is some different that i do in santiago every day, wake up in the morning with the sound of the birds, in a carp, and then breakfast in the nature, be relax, no have signal in the phone, for me is an amazing feel

the last time that i did this activity was in 2019, when with my gruop of scout we went to Chimbarongo, it was a funny camp, we climbed the hill, we played different sports, every day was different.

viernes, 10 de noviembre de 2023

chilean landmark that i like

 Hi, today i going to talk about a chilean landmark that i like.

This place is the humboldt penguin national reserve, i visit this place when i was 10-11 years old i think in 2015 maybe. 

This national reserve its located in Coquimbo, about 6 hours by bus from Santiago and then you take a boat from Punta de Choros to Damas island, where you can also see sea lions. 

I visited this place with my mom, my grandfather, my 2 aunts and my 3 cousins. This was a familiar trip through the Coquimbo region. 

In this place i could see how the name indicates som Humboldt penguins, fish and sea lions. I dont like travel by boat because i get dizzy but i really like this trip it was very funny i always have a good time with my family. I dont know how much time we spent touring the island because it was 8 years ago but i remember that the entire visit lasted aroud 1 hour. 

I liked see animals in their animals without interfere a lot and feel the sea wind in my face. 

In general i really like this holidays in Coquimbo, its 1 of my favorite, so for this reason for me is a special place because the total of the parts that conformed this holidays they made it one of the best. 

One fact, i arrived to this place in school van because my aunt is driver at the school i went to. 

viernes, 3 de noviembre de 2023

Place in Chile that i would like to visit again

 Hi, today i going to talk about a place in Chile that i would like to visit again 

I visited Rapa Nui in 2012, when i have 8 years old, this place is an island east of mainland Chile, to get here it is almost a 5 hours flight by plane.

I arrived here because it was a work travel from my mom, so i went with my mom and her work colleages. My mom wanted me to go because that would be my first time in a travel by plane. 

I stay here for 8-9 days maybe, one day my mom worked and the next day we traveling to diferents parts of the island, and the next day work and this was the routine of this week. 

In this place i visited volcanos, beaches, and the most amazing thing to me was the moais, i really like saw one on live. 

I think this was an amazing experience because the climate, the fauna and flora and the culture is very different than mainlad Chile, is so beautiful and unique. 

One day when i was putting sunscreen i decided putting sunscreen to my doll to, so i putting in her face and the drawing of her face was erased, it was so sad, i trying to fix it but it was late, my doll never had face again jaja.  

How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

 Hi, today i going to tallk about how much difficult i think are the activities from "exam of english". I think the activities her...