miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2023

Family meal

 Hi, today i will talk about the most memorable family meal that i remember 

I think it was when i was in my summer vacations 2020 in Disney, Florida, i was with my mom, my aunt and my 5 cousins (Diego, Mattia, Simone, Javiera and Gabriela). 

I remember that we were coming back to the house we rentend later for the one tiring day, we walk all day, nobody want cook the dinner  and we decide order food from McDonalds, everybody order hamburger and icecream for the dessert. I order from my phone and with my cousin Javiera and Mattia we were waiting the food outside the house. When we returned at the house the rest of my family was sleeping, but not everybody in their beds, someone fell asleep in any side, on the table or on the sofa, it was very funny. My cousins and i we had to wake them up to eat, and everybody eat with one eye open and the other close and very slow, we were too tired. It was a very weird and funny family meal.

As an extra fact, when i was waiting the food outside the house, we saw a raccon climb a palm tree, and we get scared because we had never seen this animal in our lifes, less loose on the streets. 

miércoles, 24 de mayo de 2023

Country i would like visit

Hi, today i will talk about what country i would like to visit.

I would like visit the islands of Hawaii, it is in USA, because i like the relaxing vibes are in this place, and i think their culture, gastronomy, and their typical dances are spectacular, i would like learn about this. Also i like the landscape that the island is made up of, their volcanoes, flowers, nature, beach, etc. 

I wanna visit this place with all members of my family like my mom and her boyfriend, my cousins with her children, my uncles, aunts and my grandparents, the vacations with they are very funny and memorable, because in total we are like 20 persons and the laughs are never fails.

I like stay in this place like 3 weeks, i think is enough time to visit all of the island and their attractions and have relaxing days in the beach with nothing to do, only stay under the sun and swim in the warm ocean. 

Among the attraction that i would like to visit are: tour to Maui and Oahu, visit the volcanoes, swim with turtles, etc.   

I have already gone to USA to the Disney parks in Orlando, that was incredible, but i don´t saw never of the american landscapes, and i would like see more about this country. 

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2023

My last weekend

 My weekend 

Hello, today i´ll talk about what im did last weekend. 

On Saturday i went out with my mom to walk for the center of Santiago, touring diferents strets like "Paseo Ahumada", "Paseo Estado" and "Alameda", it was very interesting because my mom told me what she did in the same strets but years ago, when i wasn´t born yet, and she have my same age (19). We went out home like 11 am and like 2 pm we went to "Lastarria" to touring and have lunch, my mom ate lasagna of eggplant and i ate pizza with hearts of palm and asparagus. Then we took the subway to went to my grandparents house, because my aunt cook "sopaipillas" and they invited us to eat all together. I was outside my house all day, like 11 am to 9 pm, but i enojoy the time that i pass with my family, im happy when we get together like family. My family is very close, 1 or 2 days per month i have lunch with my mom, my grandparents, my uncles, my cousins and they children, is funny because most of my cousins have my same age and is like we was friends and not cousins, i´m very happy of the family i´m in. 

How much difficult/easy i found the activities.

 Hi, today i going to tallk about how much difficult i think are the activities from "exam of english". I think the activities her...